
My name is Amie Buice. I am an Interior Designer and Artist living in Greenville, SC. 

My philosophy is this: A person's home is sacred ground - it holds our most precious memories, our most personal moments and the key to a good deal of our comfort and happiness. Your home should reflect who you are, and it is a designer's honor to bring that to life. I believe that the blending of styles, old with new, and designing around your most cherished items are what give a space character, warmth, and a connection to the people that live there. Taking the time to consider every detail and carefully layering hundreds of pieces together are what makes a space feel as though it has evolved over time. In my approach there are no rules - only what works in designing a home that is beautiful, functional, effortless, and most importantly: yours.

I am able to assist in all aspects of a project from start to finish, big or small, so get in touch! I would love to talk with you about transforming your house into your home. 

Thank you for stopping by, 
